Meet Broadview's Loan Originators
National Mortgage Licensing System (NMLS) and S.A.F.E. Act
The Secure and Fair Enforcement for Mortgage Licensing (S.A.F.E.) Act requires that all mortgage loan originators (MLOs) complete an online registration process through the NMLS Registry. The purpose of the S.A.F.E. Act is to increase accountability of MLOs, enhance consumer protections, reduce fraud in the residential mortgage loan origination process, and provide consumers with easily accessible information concerning the employment history of MLOs as well as any disciplinary or enforcement actions imposed against MLOs.
Listed below are all of the current or recently employed Broadview MLOs, including their NMLS registration numbers. The official NMLS Resource Center can be used to verify this employee information.
Employee Name - NMLS Number
Deborah Albert - 1521342
Heather Alderman - 2047291
Heidi Allard - 2019443
Joshua Allred - 1410165
Christopher Audi - 2466257
Ashley Barry - 2232907
Jasmine Basdeo - 1122754
DaWayne Belton-Owens - 2084654
John Beverly - 1695979
Cindy Boivin - 1750914
Barbara Borter - 1516695
Lee Carman - 97570
Tina Cesare - 2497082
Ryan Chenot - 991471
Theresa Corlew - 1750912
Javier Cuevas - 1686584
Matthew Cunningham - 2466256
Karen Curry - 421294
Linda Dames - 1521343
Ryan Dare - 2112149
Andrew Dudley-Dalton - 2454174
Sarah Dwelley - 1520804
Cassandra Ellis - 2328256
Kimberly Fanniff - 515290
June Faragon - 421297
Cathy Fiacco - 1750915
Michelle Fitch - 1516699
Heather Foley - 2477731
Valerie Garcia - 1516703
Myra Gierke - 1516705
Daniel Goldstein - 1516706
Jennifer Green - 1748712
Sarah Griffin - 1800539
Arica Grimes - 2223902
Monique Guillaume - 2466264
Ashleigh Guzy - 2268058
Meagan Hallenbeck - 1378529
Nicholas Hanna - 2268060
Trevor Harkins - 1717920
Lisa Harrington - 421302
Maura Harrington - 1628410
Jullee Harris - 2347591
Erica Hebler - 186909
Christine Hillier - 1516710
Brian Hooks - 1516711
Ryan Isles - 1776500
Radoslaw Jedrak - 1607656
Tashay Jones - 1486860
Jennifer Keigley - 471056
Michael Krywinski - 1251803
Alexandra Kyme - 2466754
Noah Kyme - 2158014
Jessica LaForce - 1620544
Megan Lemiesz - 2439914
Employee Name - NMLS Number
AmyLynn Maleady - 1717918
William Maselli - 1603062
Brendan McCoy - 1516716
Patricia McFee - 1454286
Kyle McKenna - 1776499
Margaret McLeod - 2523839
Hannah Mochrie - 2006079
Jessica Newman - 2391139
Kaitlin Nieckarz - 1516713
Chandrawattie Outar - 851353
Brett Perez - 1713184
Timothy Petersen - 1590494
Latchmie Phaskanram - 2523964
Christopher Preston - 1516725
Stephen Quinlan - 1585370
Anthony Rafferty - 2505267
Jennifer Redguard - 2523962
Susan Regan - 1052655
Emily Rehak - 963759
April Ricciardi - 481808
Valerie Rivera - 2466253
Ashley Robilotto-Schubnel - 2497817
Stephanie Rourke - 1750911
Alyssa Sager - 494370
Suzanne Savoia - 1691325
Marchele Schild - 1932865
Kathryn Longstaff - 2268065
Daniel Shannon - 1516730
Rebecca Simpson - 1516733
Amber Spiddle - 2011749
Candace Stazio - 1099932
Sharon Strock - 1656364
Addie Brandt - 1979941
Brian Thurley - 2049960
Karissa Tonkin - 2440242
Todd Trombly - 1516738
Lea Urbano - 1402924
Caitlin Van Buskirk - 1565961
Stephanie Villa - 1454300
Justin Vogel - 1872327
Jordan West - 2439924
Logan White - 2465937
Tyler White - 2115032
Lynn Whittam - 2212967
Lucy Williams - 2465920